MultiFile Upload Validation In Laravel (v5.2) / Pt.2

- this is using the same workflow as Here

** in v5.2 in-order to validate an array, the input HAVE to be named as ‘name.` but retrieving this input errors wont be possible, WHY ???
because laravel replace the ‘.
‘ with the item index so you can only display it by ‘name.0 / name.1 / etc…‘ which slightly got changed in v5.3, however with the solution below you will be able to validate ur multi-file upload just like any other input & still get a user friendly error which actually make sense.

** this is also the same solution as for v5.3 but with minor difference according to the changes made from v5.2 to v5.3

if you prefer to use the native form-request instead Check

  • view
{{ Form::open(['route' => 'store.files', 'method' => 'POST', 'files'=>true]) }}
  {{ Form::file('photo[]', ['multiple']) }}
  {{ Form::submit('submit') }}
{{ Form::close() }}

@foreach ($errors->get('image') as $one)
  <li>{!! $one !!}</li>
  • validations\Post\StoreValidation
// ...

class StoreValidation

  // ...

  protected $error_container = [];

  protected function validate($request)
    // add here any single input
    $rules = [
      // ...

    $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);

    $validator->after(function ($validator) use ($request) {

      $input_name = 'photo';

      // if no items found
      if ( ! $request->hasFile($input_name)) {
        $validator->errors()->add($input_name, \Lang::get('validation.required', ['attribute' => $input_name], \App::getLocale()));

      // otherwise
      else {
        $regex = '/^.*?'.$input_name.'/';

        foreach ($request->file($input_name) as $one) {
          $v = Validator::make(
            [$input_name => $one],
            [$input_name => 'image|max:2048|etc...']

          if ($v->fails()) {
            $new_name = "<strong>{$one->getClientOriginalName()}</strong>";
            $str = preg_replace($regex, $new_name, $v->errors()->getMessages()[$input_name][0]);
            $this->error_container[$input_name][] = $str;

        if ( ! empty($this->error_container)) {
            $validator->errors()->add($input_name, $this->error_container[$input_name]);

    if ($validator->fails()) {
      throw new ValidationException(

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